Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby Taggie

This has been quite the adventure so far. Most importantly, the lesson learned today is that with dawdling come more than necessary errors to correct...all from just taking too much time on one given task at hand.

The first example is that I had already written this post...then somehow, because I probably re-read the words one too many times and clicked one too many fancy codes on my keyboard, I deleted what I had spent so long writing and ever so carefully placing images (and lucky for me, this auto it auto saved my delete and back spacing only eventually took me to my home page...not my original draft...spectacular!)

For the next example, I made this baby taggie Christmas gift for a baby girl in the family...

...and I made a mistake along the way (it happens to the best of us). It's such a simple project though...but, I spent too much time making sure I had the right sides of the fabric on a fabric that clearly had no right or wrong side of fabric, that I clearly overlooked the fact that I put the batting in between the outside fabrics before sewing, so that when flipping the taggie right side out, I had neatly hemmed the inside padding to the outside of the taggie. In comparison, it would be like your winter jacket's insides being neatly sewn to the outside of your jacket. This is when I said, "I guess I should have found a tutorial, after all," seeing how I thought it was simple enough I could wing it on my own. Go ahead and take a look at my mistake for yourself!

The two images directly above are not a tutorial. 
Warning: Do not do this at home.

Anyway...dawdling in unnecessary bags and looking at unnecessary items to find my stitch ripper instead of just cutting new materials that were already nearby, in addition to eating a nice lunch with my thoughtful and loving husband and my intelligent and creative pirate-loving son...I finally got around to getting it right. Now it just needs to be wrapped.

The best thing of all, is all the materials to make this baby taggie were already in the house (even the stitch ripper)...I didn't have to go out into the cold and stand in long lines at stores to purchase items for this project. I've been having fun doing that lately. And the ultimate goal I believe I have in mind, is to continue making projects using at home materials while supplies last, as well as sell the items I produce. Perhaps even you'll be ordering something in the future. Afterall, it is Christmas. And by clicking "baby taggie" you will discover why you want to order one for that little one in need of gift. I can get an order to you in three to five days from contacting me for the Christmas special price of $10 + shipping (no going out in the cold or standing in lines for you either).

Have fun correcting your errors when dawdling. I've found that in both examples, I liked my second go at it better.

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